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Hembar Styles

At WT Shade® the sky is the limit when it comes to customizing your shades. We offer a variety of Hembar styles to choose from allowing you to add the perfect finishing touch to your space.

Our subtle internal style Hembars, like the standard Sealed Hembar and the Round Internal Hembar, are wrapped with the fabric of the shade and blend right in. 

Our eye-catching, exposed aluminum Hembars, like the External Hembar, Round External Hembar and Heavy Duty External Hembar, offer a bolder aesthetic by allowing you to add an aluminum finish color to your shade, perhaps matching fascia or other finishes in the space. 

The unique Duplex Shade Hembar even allows you to have two different fabrics on the same shade and utilize the properties of both at the same time! 

Finally, using certain Hembars may be necessary in order to add additional accessories to your shade, such as Guide Track or Cable Systems, which require specialty Hembar End Caps.